I want to keep leaves from going down the downspouts, but heard that the aluminium will interact with the copperIs that true?
Hmm, I'm not sure about fiber but for protein odwalla has really good drinks :)
Visit your local nutrition store(a la GNC) and ask the person working about soy protein powder in the range you're looking forThey'll hook ya up with something worthwhile that doesn't taste bad in most cases.
Get a good blenderTake fresh or frozen fruit juice add a safe Protein powerI use soy Add psyllium fiber and add ice Water as needed Blend the heck out of it and you just had it your wayYour flavor your best protein source and fiberPsyllium can give you gas sometimes and it will thicken up the drink too But I use it and I give it to my elderly MomShe loves itYou get fruit, fiber and protein.
yes - it's called 'dissimilar metal contact' one of the two will accelerate the corrosion process, you'll have to use something made of copper or plastic.