I know it sounds weird but I like to do little projects here and there with any loose electrical stuff I have. you know. takes apart electronics I don't use and try to make a fun little project out of making something new and useful. And it happens that I have a large supply of unneeded ethernet and phone cables and I am ussually very good with this kind of stuff. but this has me stumped. O.o Can these wires be used at electrical wiring in a simple or complex circuit? I mean it makes sense. but I don't want to waste time and not have it work as I've never used them like that before.
Yes and it is a very good idea for SMALL electrical prodjects. What you need to do is clip the 2 ends of the ethernet cord and throw them away. Then you need to strip the rubber case that is on the outside of the cables. Its about 1 MM thick so be careful. Use like a scissors and make a little shallow cuts around the cord (O and by the way we are stripping the case of the real cords right now). Do this every foot or two and pull the rubber case off. There should be many little cords in there called CAT 5. Take two of those cords out and strip the ends of them and you have two perfectly good cords to work with (you can use the other cords as well of course). Thats pretty much all you have to do. Hope this helps!