I have painted the interior of my metal doors with oil based stain and it is not drying. The vinyl strip in between the doors is staying even more tacky. How can I get it to dry or remove it?
Tint never dries if there is too much in the wrong base,or it's too old, not mixed fully, or wrong the primer, It will never stick to the vinyl...dissimilar materials.
start removing it with a thinner or stripper. try a thinner first, as it might be a tidier removal. you need use a paint intended for metal surfaces. some might suggest the right primer would work but i wouldn't even bother. just use a paint for metal surfaces. stains will only work on porous surfaces.
The reason is you can not use a stain on a primed metal surface.Or any metal surface for that matter. Your going to have to use paint.Stains, especially oil stains are made to soak into a surface.Paint is made to sit on the surface. That also goes for vinyl. You'll need to remove it with paint thinner,because it's an oil base. Than slightly sand the door(to ruff up the surface and give the paint something to adhere to) Next use a metal primer, get the ,Clean Metal Primer or Rustollium White oil base Primer. After you put that on, let it dry for at least 24 hrs.Than use a oil base Paint,not stain. The solid stain looks like paint, but don't be fooled! Good luck on your project.bye