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Can my pool be fixed?

How do you fix a small hole in a hard above ground pool my mom called some place but they said you cant fix it She was scrubbing it and it was rusty and it made the hole were the pool people right and if can be fixed how


Mass. The more atoms in any given volume the greater the gravitational attraction. Just look at the sun, holding all of the planets in orbit. The earth averages 93,000,000 miles away from the sun. A smaller version of a gravitational system would be the earth moon pair. Think of gravity as a rubber sheet, stretched across space. The bodies in space sink into the sheet and cause a depression, a gravity well. The larger the object, the deeper the well. The earth gravity well which holds the moon is a local depression in the much larger depression of the sun's gravity well.
All depends. You can be towed or booted and then ticketed. My favorite was an azzhole parked his brand new Honda I'm a cool kid, go fast car right in front of a hydrant. There was a fire and the fire department pried open his doors and ran the greasy fire hoses right across his leather seats. They also made sure that the water that leaks from the hydrant ran down the hose and puddled in his car. And then he got a ticket. He came back shortly after they set up and he had to wait 6 hours before they were done. My bet is he never did it again.

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