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Can nursery trays be used for growing aquatic ferns?


No, nursery trays are typically not suitable for growing aquatic ferns as they are designed for terrestrial plants and may not provide the necessary conditions for the ferns to thrive in water. Aquatic ferns require a specific aquatic environment with proper water circulation and access to nutrients. It is recommended to use specifically designed aquatic plant containers or aquariums for growing aquatic ferns.
No, nursery trays are not suitable for growing aquatic ferns as they typically lack the necessary features for water retention and proper root development required by aquatic plants.
Yes, nursery trays can be used for growing aquatic ferns. However, it is important to ensure that the trays are suitable for holding water and have proper drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Additionally, the trays should be placed in a suitable environment with adequate lighting and water temperature for the ferns to thrive.

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