Yes, olive nets can be used in conjunction with other harvesting tools. They are often used together with rakes, hand-picking tools, or mechanical shakers to facilitate the harvesting process and ensure maximum yield. The nets are spread underneath the olive trees to catch the falling olives, while the other tools are used to loosen the fruit from the branches or assist in manually collecting the olives.
Yes, olive nets can be used in conjunction with other harvesting tools such as rakes or hand-held shakers to effectively collect olives from the trees.
Yes, olive nets can be used in conjunction with other harvesting tools such as rakes, shakers, or mechanical harvesters to facilitate the collection of olives. The nets are typically spread beneath the olive tree branches to catch the falling fruits, while other tools are used to shake the branches or physically remove olives from the tree. This combined approach can increase efficiency and productivity during the olive harvesting process.