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Can one hoist the INDIAN NATIONAL FLAG on our houses?

If yes, can it be done on any day or only on national days


you can fly any flag you wish too fly from your house, as long as it's not the flag of England or the Union flag, you see that would make you a rasist and we can't have that can we. The best thing that you should fly from your house, would be the bloody fool's who made that the law.
There is absolutely no problem in that. Several people I know are proud of their Irish heritage and fly the national flag of Ireland. But just a hint on protocol....if you are flying the U.S. flag with any other flag, the U.S. flag should be the lead (on top).
It is legal to fly any country's flag that you choose to at any time. My opinion is that if you are living here, have pride in where you live. If you are temporarily here, show respect for where you live. It is, at the very least, disrespectful to the country that you are living in to fly the flag of any other country.

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