pls explain Vacuum energy or zero point energy in detailed
Commerance , Society , Govermints, Attracting Rich Ladys, Letting Young poor Rats Make Money For Him, Publishing ( Selling Ideas) ,,He stole The lightning Rod Fron The Czechs,,,The Declaration -See The Magna Carta
Za If you have only one lock choose a kryto Ulock. They have several, get the biggest and toughest. If I had to leave my bike outside of a library, I would use a Ulock, and a Shlage 6 ft x 5/8 inch cable lock combination. I would probably take the seat and front wheel with me too! Make sure it is locked PROPERLY and locked up to a fixed object or bike rack! Soccerref
Cover his mattress with a rubber sheet, and put underwear on him at night.