Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Crusher > Can someone give me one sentence containing the words crush,crushes,crusher,crushed,crushing,crushable in it?

Can someone give me one sentence containing the words crush,crushes,crusher,crushed,crushing,crushable in it?

Its part of my english homework that has to be in for tomorrow morning. Thanks


Who would like a nice cold drink of lemon crush?
I have a crush on the cute crusher who crushes beer cans on his forehead.
The crusher has a crush on the big time crushes of the school.
these 2 answers r the best: 1) The crusher has a crush on the big time crushes of the school. 2) I have a crush on the cute crusher who crushes beer cans on his forehead.
What do you not understand about the assignment? Do you realize that if you copy an answer someone gives you here, that's plagiarism? This is called homework HELP, not do my homework. First look up what crush means (if you don't already know). Then think of something that crushes or might get crushed.

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