Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Aluminum Foils > can someone help me cite something in my MLA research paper on Wrigley Field?

can someone help me cite something in my MLA research paper on Wrigley Field?

I am not sure how to cite thisIn my paper i say a quote about wrigley field adding lightsheres the quote -Putting lights in Wrigley Field is like putting aluminum siding on the Sistine Chapel~Roger Simon, 1988Now would i just do that in my paper or would i do that and then like that parenthesis like where you do ( 150)exbut i am getting it from a website with no certain author and its just a quote so is he still considered the author? Please help!!!


HEY! I really stink at citing sourcesand I am a communications majorso I write a lot of papersI ALWAYS USE Diana Hackerwhen you get to the sitejust pick what subject u are writing it forlike science, humanitiesetcthen scroll over the documenting sources tabyou can pick in text citationsworks citedit will walk you through itit has lists for articles with no authorsetcGOOD LUCK!

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