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my daugher have armpit unevend skin tone?

Can someone suggest any helpful tips or treatment to help get rid of the dark uneven skin town below my daughter's armpit? she bathe often and she is 14 , she doesnt have odar problems, can someone help? she is too upset to even leave the house due to it now.


Here are some possible reasons why he is disobeying 1change in brand 2poorly designed litterbox (cats do not like the hooded kind) 3poorly maintained litterbox 4medical coinditions 5territorial markings 6porly positioned litterbox 7psychological disorder If he always pees in the same spot it may be that he can smell where he has gone before because of the ammonia in his peeyou can prevent this by using a AMMONIA FREE cleaner to clean the spot, or by spraying mouthwash or vinigar on the spot, both of which cats find disastefulAlso, adding a food bowl to the site of disposal may prevent him form going there By the way- Cats pee contains much ammonia which means to spot place where they have gone before you can use a black lightMist all these spots with vinigar/mouthwash to prevent future disposals.
Well if your cat is peeing only a little bit on teh floor and it has a little pink tint to it, it means your cat has urinary trac infectionIf it peeing alot then it just is refusing to go in the litterbox, mostly because it could be to full of feicesOr it could be one of the smelly brands which cats do not like at all (exFresh Step)We use cold hard brands with little dust and the cats like it fineIf this keeps going on lock up your cat in a cage with the litterboxThat will litterbox train it.
How often are you cleaning the box? Cats are very particular about having a nice clean litter boxHe might also not like the texture of the litter you are using- you could try and change that and see if it helpsOr change where the boxes are if you canExperts recommend a litter box plus one for every cat in the household (4 cats 5 boxes) A cup of food 2 times a day seems like a awful lot to meMy 11 lbcat only gets 1/4 cup twice daily.
The most common reasons why cats don't use the litter box are an aversion to the box, such as dislike of a covered box, or dissatisfaction with the depth of the litterTwo other common reasons are a preference for a particular type of litter not provided in the box, or a preference for a particular location where there is no boxAnimal Care Professionals: Print and customize the PDF version of this tip sheet with your contact information English / Spanish Sometimes, the problem is a combination of all these factorsTo get to the answer, you'll need to do a little detective work—and remember, the original source of the problem may not be the reason it's continuingFor example, your cat may have stopped using the litter box because of a urinary tract infection, and then developed a surface preference for carpet and a location preference for the bedroom closetIf that's the case, you'll need to address all three of these factors to resolve the problemCats don't stop using their litter boxes because they're upset at their human caregivers and are determined to get revenge for something that offended themBecause humans act for these reasons, it's easy for us to assume that our pets do as wellBut animals don't act out of spite or revenge, so it won't help to punish your cat or give her special privileges in the hope that she'll start using the litter box again Basically lock the cat in a room with the litterbox and leave food and waterDon't let it out until it uses the litterbox appropriately.
Hi! I used to have the same problem at around that ageMy underarms were always discolored and it was very embarrassingI never wore tank topsIn addition, any deodorant I wore always stained my clothes; I ruined a LOT of shirts back thenIt turned out that I was, among other things, allergic to aluminum chlorohydrateThis is added to the vast majority of mainstream deodorants as an anti-perspirantOnce I switched to a deodorant that did not have this compound in it the skin started to fade and I stopped staining my shirts! It took a while for the skin to settle down and recycle, but my underarms are healthy now and not discoloredI buy my deodorant at health food and supply storesMy favorite brand is Crystal, specifically the Body Deodorant Roll-OnIt has a purple labelI like this product because it is invisible and won't leave a residue once dry on the skinI'm usually pretty self-conscious anyway, but I feel comfortable wearing tank tops when using this deodorantI should mention, though, that perspiration may become an issueBecause the aluminum chlorohydrate (or any other aluminium compound, for that matter) is the anti-perspirant agent, anything without this ingredient will not prevent perspiringI've heard of some people trying body talc to prevent wet spots, but it is something I have not tried due to other allergiesFrankly, the wet spots are far better to me than the underarm staining, itching, and shirt-ruiningGood luck! If this does indeed seem to be the problem for your daughter you may want to think about getting some allergy tests done just to make sure she isn't battling anything else.

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