Can stucco be applied over aluminum sheeting? The kind that you find on industrial buildings?
I researched this question for MONTHS last spring, and finally ended up buying an ELECTRA TownieIt cost 400.00 new, but there were used ones at the shop for much lessI am absolutely thrilled with itIt is a flat-footed bike, which means it is made for you to be able to put your feet down without leaning overComfortable seat, three speeds, simple to ride and repair, and built like a tankIt would be way too heavy for someone who had a need for speed, but for commuting it is simply THE machineI'm 50, in reasonably good shape, have ridden it about 600 miles, and have not even had a loose bolt, let alone any sort of malfunction.
Yes, just fasten wire mesh to the sheetingI would leave expansion joints every so often, as aluminum expands and contracts quite a bit with changes in temperature.