Can tig200s argon arc welding machine weld aluminum?
Able to weld aluminum, but can only be welded, need to be fully polished before welding and welded in 10 minutes to avoid oxidation of aluminum.For long welded seams, WSME argon arc welding machine is recommended for welding. For long welding, there is an oxide film on the surface of aluminum, and the oxide film needs to be broken during welding. If the oxide film fails to break, it will cause slag inclusion and cracks. And aluminum melting point temperature is low, heat dissipation, welding technology is not enough, often lead to welding wear phenomenon, so the need to use pulse, reduce heat input.E means alternating current has the function of breaking oxide film, and M indicates pulse, which is very suitable for welding thin plate.Thick plate, then WSE250 can, the price is almost 2500-3000 (mid-range welding machine). The generic one is WSME315, but it's a bit expensive.
Argon arc welding is argon gas shielded welding. That is, argon arc protective gas is applied around the arc welding to isolate the air from the welding zone, so as to prevent the oxidation of the welding zone. This is still a little harmful to people, and the future of health or laser welding machine to better, it is recommended Chu source photoelectric. Argon arc welding defects: (1) because the argon arc welding heat affected zone, workpiece after repaired often cause deformation, lower hardness, trachoma, local annealing, cracking, pinhole, wear, scratch, undercut, or inadequate binding force and stress injury etc..
Argon arc welding is argon gas shielded welding. That is, argon arc protective gas is applied around the arc welding to isolate the air from the welding zone, so as to prevent the oxidation of the welding zone. This is still a little harmful to people, and the future of health or laser welding machine to better, it is recommended Chu source photoelectric. Argon arc welding defects: (1) because the argon arc welding heat affected zone, workpiece after repaired often cause deformation, lower hardness, trachoma, local annealing, cracking, pinhole, wear, scratch, undercut, or inadequate binding force and stress injury etc..