we have one control cable 120 VAC contains 7 conductors and another power cable of 480 VAC each contains 7conductors. can be installed in one conduit
it fairly is a huge-unfold prepare...to run ability and administration cables in diverse conduit however the uncomplicated standards is voltage gradings.All cables upto 500volts may well be laid in a single conduit whether ability or conrol.In case of extreme voltage cables, with the aid of fact of elecromagnetic inducion result, diverse conduit is accompanied.
Goober is correct. Not a good design.
It is not the best way to do it. There may be some capacitive or inductive coupling between the 480 and 120 circuits that may adversely affect the controls. An accidental short between the 480 and 120 circuits would probably be a disaster for your controls.
Physically yes, but it is definitely not good practice. Normal practice is to segregate power and control cables. Local regulations may also prevent installing systems of 2 different voltage levels in the same conduit