The Army Corps of Engineers built a six foot high wall constructed out of over 500,000 sandbags over a month ago to help fight flooding in Winfield, Missouri. Kudos to them for putting up the wall, but the members of the small community are overwhelmed with the task at hand... Take down a six foot high wall built by the military out of 500,000 sandbags. Why hasn't the Army taken care of this already, or at least offered to assist in the clean-up?
save it for the next flood, beautify it , plant flowers on the top, use it as look out point for tourists, sell the bags at $2 each for charity,put machine gun posts up there for the next invasion,keep out the rest of america and form your own country.
One bulldozer will have the wall gone in a single afternoon. What's the problem?
This sounds like an excellent question for the Government and Politics or Military Life forums.