Well im doing a high school project and to make a long story short in need need a list of equipment(like pipes) and tools that it takes to renovate a house and how much these things would cost my business. I'm in high school so it doesn't have to be some huge complicated list of pipes and power tools just some things i MAY need. i tried to find this online but idk what i'm looking at half the time -_-.P.S. i have the same problem with roofing if you could follow my link and help me with that too that would be great.
ok. the box spring will extend several inches beyond the mattress, but if you're ok with that, so are we
The cirping is the result of either a bad detector or other problem. Try turning off the breaker that supplies power to the detectors for 10-15 seconds and turning it back on. If it was nothing serious then this should clear the chirping but if the noise returns you may need to replace the detector and if you need to do that i would suggest a hard wired unit with battery back up.
Try looking in the phone book and finding the city manager or you could call the police department.