I'm doing this for the 1st time so can you tell me how to do it? What should I buy aside from that bag of cement? I'm gonna cement my ceiling, only the edges of the plywood because my family is breaking in to my room and damaging all of my things and they pass thru the ceiling, and I researched the price of plywood and it's quite expensive. I intended to just cover up my ceiling with a new set of plywood but I learned that doing so would be quite expensive and out of my budget. So I'm gonna cement my ceiling bit by bit instead because the hardware sellers discourage me to do it, so they can't refer me to a carpenter. Can you give me ideas how to make that cement stick to the plywood? What tools should I use? Moving out is not an option so I'm really stuck with this plan.
sophisticated factor search onto google that will help
What are your family members? Ghosts?
Your problem is my family is breaking in to my room and damaging all of my things and they pass thru the ceiling. How about a lock on the ceiling door?
1) it's concrete, not cement 2) buy readily mixed concrete - depending on where you go, there are about a dozen different types available 3) but it won't help you - concrete doesn't stick really well to plywood, is very fragile and will take about a month to fully cure 4) and doing bit by bit isn't a good idea either, since the various bits won't be sticking to each other very well Just buy a (big) pack of screws, an electric screwdriver and screw down that plywood from the inside.
I Agree with ACER. your problem is ...my family is breaking in to my room and damaging all of my things ... Cement, concrete, etc will not stop your very detemined family. if $12 for a sheet of plywood is too much for your budget, how is $15 for cement and $25 for a dead bolt gonna fit your budget? You do not need 3/4 oak finished hardwood veneer plywood for this project. probably be able to buy a half sheet at Home depot and lag screws with a drill and bit. And you would need expanded metal to go over the plywood for the cement to stick anyway. And they kck the cement and it falls off to the floor.