Can you use a Styrofoam head as a base for a clay Sculpture and what kind of clay could you use?
You certainly can use it as a base for non-shrinking non-hardening oil moistened modeling clay, although it might need a bit of rough sanding if too smooth to grip goodOther clays are problematic because they shrink on drying or baking or bothI don't think Styrofoam does good at 275F needed for polymer clay, but I haven't tested it - should, crumpled aluminum foil is suggested for coring polymerto save on clay.
landscape because of light, but there weren't so much leisure in Van Gogh, for example
They painted leisure activities and landscape from outside a studio This was a break with tradition.
The main prerogative of the impressionists was to capture, and staticize scenes that were identifiably ephemeralLandscapes were a good option in the early movement because light changed gradually enough that they had time to paintLeisure scenes increased the difficulty because people move much faster than nature does.