
car bumper?

describe the safety aspects of dealing with plastic type bumpers which may contain floureolastimers and which may have been or could be effected by heat


If you just dry the organs they will shrivel up and look not very recognizable. If you are more interested in mummification you can use sodium bicarbonate plus salt (an approximation of natron, the substance the egyptians used) Otherwise the water in the organs would need to be replaced with alcohol (in gradual steps) and then the alcohol with propylene oxide (or whatever solvent mixes with your embedding resin). The alcohol will also work as a fixative. Particularly for whole organs the whole process might take a while. If your resin doesn't mix with alcohol and you have to use a substance like propylene oxide you will have trouble getting hold of the chemical and rightly so, as it's cancerogenous. If you don't have a fume hood and no experience working with toxic chemicals you might not want to start then. If you are at an university you can check if there is a nice research lab which does histochemistry and which lets you use their chemicals. They should also be able to help you with the protocol. Otherwise just put them into a jar with 70% ethanol. That will keep the organs from going bad.
Get the installation instructions and work backwards. Be extra careful as you can cause a lot of damage if you don't do this the right way. If any wires were cut and need to be re-connected, solder them back together and then cover with heat shrink tubing. The good thing is that you will need to know all of this to install the alarm in your car, so it is not wasted time.

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