I have had many brands from expensive polk.to audiobahn and pioneer 6.5 inch door speakers.for some reason after about a 6 months i end up with one speaker that i guess fries a voice coil or something bc it has alot of static and only plays part of the time and when there is bass in the song is sounds like its going to blow up lolsomeone at a car audioplace said it was called bottoming outi have an alpine cd head unit and 2 10 inch subs and a amp alsobut i doubt that has any effect on the door speakers??.i normally run the speakers pretty loud,Not full volulme but loud most of the time.im going to buy a new set of 4 yet again.im thinking of the inifinity kappa mayb? Could u please tell me what could cause these speakers to mess up AND what brand i should think about buying that wont break my wallet either
YOU get what you pay forget some jl audio's
you should chose orange named company speaker that will best for you.
A short in the wire going to the door speaker.
to illeviate the problem you need to run all new wires leading from a 4 channel amp to the speakers.that way you dont have the problem of shorted wires and lost $$$ from buyin more speakers. I have run SPL 6.5 and 6x9 for about a year now with no problems and actually louder than my 2 15 bass output. just all in how you set things up.
I will assume that the speakers RMS rating is higher than the amp driving the speaker. I would have a look at the mounting surface. Are these a direct bolt in. Is the speaker secured properly in the mounting location? If the speaker is contorted or flexed wrong it will damage the speaker. Check to see if the system is properly grounded.