Will the aluminum braking surface dissipate heat evenly allowing for fast stops from fast descents or will I have to still pulsate braking to reduce heat build up in the tires and tubes?
dude aluminum works fine no need for volcanic rocks or carbon wheels silly aluminum would be much better than plastic/carbon/basalt at dissipating heat at least it conducts heat wle
Aluminum is tried and true, basalt seems like a gimmick. Aluminum's light, it's sought after over steel, which is cheaper and heavier and stronger. No basalt, no need.
Another vote for aluminum. Wheels with a basalt brake layer are overpriced.
Aluminum works just fine. Basalt is overkill for this application. Aluminum has been used on many applications for its heat dissipating properties such as heatsinks, radiator fins etc. Regardless of wheel material, pulsate braking is a technique used to control downhill speed.