I have two female cats about 7 months oldRecently they have begun to claw at my carpets underneath the doors where there is a seam and have ripped it upThey only do this underneath the doors for some reasonThey do not bother the carpet anywhere elseMy carpet is fairly new and this needs to stopI have tried several ideas to no availI put a scratching post beside the doorI Also put down metal carpet seam covers underneath the doors to cover the seams but they continue to dig at it and pull chunks of my carpet upI do not want to declaw, but I'm about out of ideasWhat are some other suggestions to deter thisI work and can't be there to watch them 24/7 so the spray bottle idea is no goodPlease help!!!
Well, you know that if a conductor moves through a magnetic field, a current will be induced in said conductor, and a electrical current flowing in a conductor creates a magnetic fieldSince aluminum is a conductor, we now have two magnetic fields interactingThis does leave three possibilities, the interaction has no effect, the field accelerates the magnet faster than the acceleration of gravity, which would be free energy and thus impossible, or the fields could slow the magnetActually the answer was in the first sentence, sine a current is being induced, that requires energy, since the only energy available is the change in potential energy from the change in altitude of the magnet, that means there is less energy to accelerate the magnet, therefore it falls slowerWe don't really have to understand how the magnetic fields interact (because it we did we wouldn't have to ask the question) we just need to understand conservation of energy (for those of you thinking that I don't understand any of what I just wrote, it is just my writing skills, I understand it better than I can explain it, but I thought trying to explain it would be more usefull than just saying b)
They want the doors openThat is why they are digging under the doorsSo leave the doors openAlso try putting a sheet of aluminum foil over the areas that they scratchCat's don't like the feel of aluminum foil on their paws.