The walls behind my tub have rotted out, and I want to put it tile. I hear that you have to use cement backerboard because greenboard will just rot behind the tile. But all the stores around here don't sell it. I don't get it. Is this really what I need?
I carnt imagine how anything would rot behind tiles as the grout you need to use would be waterproof so im not too sure how anything could get behind there to rot them. Im no expert though, just done a lot of jobs on my home including tiling my bathroom.! We used plasterboard and tiled over the top.
Obviously the 1st poster isn t a tiler. For the best protection ( after you fix the rotting if need be) use a green board and then a vapor barrier and then cement board 1/2 thick. Grout IS NOTTT water proof , its a cement product and will draw moisture thru to the underlaying board and rot plaster board or green board ventually. Look around you ll find the cement board somewhere . You ll need a special trim to cover but thats the best way. Sometimes you can t get the trim so you ll have to recess the barrier and board and then use a surface trim. Any question e mail me thru me avatar and check my qualifications there GL