this house s covered in dirt. im 20 with a 2yr old daughter and almost 16 weks preg with our 2nd. my husband is 22, we live with his dad and sister because mu husbands job keeps cutting hours and hes not making enough to get our own place, and i know some people will be like well if you dont have money to get your own place why have another kid...well i was on birth control both times ok!!! and i dont do abortion, and if i have a child i am going to keep it and take responsiblity and not jut give it away ok!...anyway back to the i want to clean this house, it makes me so mad with how gross it is...everything gets dusty super fast and the carpets always have dirt in them. Our vacuum broke, so is there a way for me to clean all this without a vacuum???
if your windows are open, try to keepthem closed as much as possible..especially when its windy..alot of dirt and dust comes in that can use a broom to sweep the carpet, it doesnt work as well as a vacuum, but it will be able to pick up some of the bigger particles that are in the carpet...for area rugs take them outside and shake them..if you have pledge or furniture polish, you can use that with a rag to pick up dust off of smooth surfaces, if you dont, just use a damp rag.. and dont feel bad about your situation...everyone goes through hard times sometimes, we have all been there, strong families like yours are the kind that stay together forever and thrive..keep your head up, things will get better for you!
do you know why your vacuum broke? If you have internet access, which I assume you do, you can find instructions for your machine on line. I recently fixed mine by replacing the belt. It only cost 3.99 and it's like a new machine. Are all the filter clean etc. Unless it's the motor, a lot of things can be easy to fix without replacing the vacuum. I have 2 young children so I know it can seem daunting to take on a task like fixing it yourself but it was surprisingly easy. Would a friend lend you their vacuum for an hour?
Wow, defensive much? We really didn't need to know your living situation in order to help you clean. What about one of those little carpet sweeper things? It would be a lot of work to get all the dirt out, but it would be better than nothing, and far less expensive than a vacuum. Take rugs outside and beat them. And for hard surfaces, a broom and/or a dust mop. The easiest way to dust is to put a sock on your hand and wipe everything down, with Pledge or another dust spray if you have it, dry if you don't.
I sweep my carpets because my vacuum broke also. Surprisingly sweeping gets loads up. I had two cats and sweeping always gets more hair up than a vacuum. Also try dusting your carpet with light sprinkling of baking soda this will help cut down on odor and when you get a vacuum you can vacuum it up. Try figuring out what is wrong with it. Typically it is just a busted belt. They sell them at WalMart for a few bucks. Presto, viola, it will work like new - if that's what wrong with it. Pawn shops typically have good prices on used vacuums or you can try to borrow one form family or a neighbor. I used to bake for a neighbor of mine every time I would need to borrow her vacuum, I am sure she loved all the cupcakes and muffins I used to give her. Chin up and keep trying; you are no doubt doing an excellent job with the resources you have ; ) ~Divine Edit: The belt may have slipped off and is consequently rubbing against something it shouldn't. Take it slightly apart (to get to the belt), have a screwdriver handy (you may need it) and take the belt off to examine if it worn, broke or breaking. You may need to take it apart more than that to find out what the problem with it is. It would be a good idea to do all of this outside, it may make a mess. The good news is that vacuum cleaners (most anyway) are pretty easy to repair. Also the vacuum may be clogged somewhere (in the tubing) working the engine way to hard, this could be causing it to smoke or the engine may be just going bad. But this hardly ever happens, usually the rest of the vacuum goes bunk first. Try posting your question about how to repair it in the Home Garden Maintenance Repairs section of Y!A and see if you can get more detailed help. Or try to google repair help for this particular brand and model. I am sure someone else has had the same problem with this vacuum, not everyone has the luxury of throwing out something that breaks and just willy-nilly buy a new one.
can you go to garage sales or a thrift store to buy a vacuum?