Coke belongs to the coal industry
11 other mining industry 28 chemical fiber manufacturing 58 warehousing industryC manufacturing 29 rubber products 59 postal industry13 agricultural and sideline products processing industry 30 plastic products G information transmission, computer services and software industry31 grain grinding of non metallic products 60 telecommunications and other information transmission services 13101320 feed 311 cement, lime and gypsum manufacturing 601 Telecommunications133 vegetable oil 312 cement and gypsum products manufacturing 6020 Internet information1340 sugar 313 brick, stone and other building materials 603 broadcast television transmission135 slaughter and meat 314 glass and glass products 604 satellite transmission136 aquatic products 315 ceramic products 61 computer services
Warehousing and postal 03 animal husbandry 26 chemical raw materials and chemical products 51 railway transportation 04 fishery 261 other chemical materials 52 road transport 05 Agriculture Forestry Animal Husbandry and fishery service 262 fertilizer 53 city public transportation B mining 263 pesticides 54 Water Transport 06 coal mining and washing industry 264 coatings, printing ink, pigment and similar products 55 air transport 07 oil and gas pipeline transport 08 5600 265 synthetic materials of ferrous metal ores 266 special chemical products 57 loading and unloading and other transport 09 non-ferrous metal mining 267 daily chemical products 5710 handling 10 non metal mining 27 medicine manufacturing 5720 transport agency services
Classification and code (2002 Edition) code 25 petroleum processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing industry classification and code (2002 Edition) A agriculture, forest, animal husbandry and fishery 23 printing and record medium reproduction 4900 building decoration 01 24 agricultural stationery and sporting goods manufacturing 50 other building 02 forestry 25 oil processing and coking and nuclear fuel processing F transportation