I recently told a friend that I don't want a copper bit and she said 'but they make the horses' mouth wetter.' And that just stumped me, because that was the only reasoning she had. What exactly does the copper mouth DO? What is the point? I understand it makes the horses salivate more... but why is this a good thing?
It is a good thing , because the wetter the mouth is , the more sensation it is has , it keeps your horses mouth very tender , and then you get a better response from your horse with an easy correction , not having to tug and pull on your horses mouth , when they get a hard tough mouth .
The copper content stimulates the flow of saliva through oxidation and enables the horse to accept the bit and relax his jaw. It also allows for more sensitive communication between horse and rider
copper bits are very good to use. because the taste does make the horses mouth water which makes him take the bit more and chew on it. which is what you want. my horse has one of those bits that have the lil slices of copper i cant remember what its called haha
It's not just that the horse salivates more, it's more that the horse likes the taste and so plays with it more. It's a really good way of starting youngster or one who has had a bad experience and doesn't like a bit. Having said that they don't suit every horse. You can also get sweet iron ones which work in a simialr way. Also those types of bit aren't as cold as a stainless steel bit.
Having the copper on the bit gives the bit a taste to it and makes the horse salaviate more than just stainless steel. Having the horses mouth wetter is easier on the horses mouth. It allows the bit to slide on the bars and over the tounge. If the horses mouth is very dry the bit and pull on the soft tissues and can cause damage to the mouth. If the horses mouth gets damage it can cause them to be more hard mouthed the more saliva the less friction in the mouth the better for the soft tissue in the mouth.