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Copper or aluminum pipe for power steering?

Im planning to change my power steering hose ( return hose or pressure hose, im not sure), its leaking and it costs $300 for a new pipe. So Im just gonna make my own, but im not sure which kind of pipe to use, aluminum or copper? Which one can hold the most pressure? The old one that is leaking looks like an aluminum.Thank you all.


Hello Aungon, Not a good idea. Stay with the designed article for the job or a generic from a parts store which may be cheaper. $300 seems a bit much, check around on line for a better deal. Apart from not knowing if your replacement is good enough to stop you killing someone, (and yourself remember), on failure you have an obligation as a legal owner of a car to keep it to a warrantable standard. Every driver relies on the predictability of the actions and the standards adhered to by others. What you think is good may be a bodge job to others. In N.Z. I did visit a company that made brake lines for cars, many moons ago now. The brake lines were made by soldering copper in a continuous 'double' wrap, copper with a seam was not trusted. I suspect power steering units would impose very high shock loadings on lines which is why you have your leak now. Alex.
difficult issue. look over yahoo. that will may help!

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