I've noticed there are many ways to use solar power to heat a pool, usually people just have water run through black pvc pipes, but would copper piping heat up the pool better?Explanation: The pool cycles (cleans) for four hours a day, so the water runs through the system, but if you put pipes where the water is being cycled so it is cycled through the pipes then back to the "system," the water will be heated because the pipes will be hot.Any suggestions on if something is better than copper pipe or.. Should there be a black surface under the pipes? Or have the pipes under a box so the heat can't escape?Any tips would be very helpful*P.S. - I am not a plummer and I know nothing about this stuff, so the explanation is not totally correct.
Really nothing is better for this than black plastic, it's way cheaper than copper. The pipe should be in direct sun and putting it on a shingle roof will produce even more heat since the shingles get hot.
copper pipe will eventually develop a hole in pipe due to constantly flowing, plus it's expensive.Any pipe left in sunlight will be solar heated, even a garden hose. You could make a makeshift solar heater by getting some small diameter plastic pipe and put on roof ( which gets hot anyway) 200 ft of pipe w/slow moving water will probably work. If you can set recirculating pump to come on (and off) once an hour, it will give water time to heat better
complicated matter. browse over google. just that will help!