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DDoSing Halo 3- 2 questions?

Hi! New to this concept so bear with me.First, I have heard this is illegal. Is there any way to get caught? I get DDoSd 50 high every other game searching in 3s, and I play the same bks every time I DO get DDoSd. I don't want to DDoS if I'm going to get caught and fined 500,000 dollars.Can someone explain this in depth? What programs do I need? A helpful answer that fulfills my needs will get an easy 10 points. So experienced only plox. Thanks in advance~ Jesse


you need a ghost, a command center with a nuclear silo attached, and a nuke built in the silo. then you select ghost, press N key and target the enemy. Red dot appears for like 15 seconds then ENJOY

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