Hi, what is the difference between an Air pump and a Water pump. What are the functions of each? Does a tank filter come with an air pump? Is an Air pump or Water pump required?
If you have a water pump filter that hangs on the side of the tank you do not need an air pump alhtough I would have both. The water gets oxygen from being circulated. An air pump usually comes with a starter tank along with a air stone. This pump puts oxygen into the water for the fish which should be 1 fish per galllon.
Air pumps just send air into the tank and can be used with toys or bubblers to keep the oxygen to hydrogen ratio right in the water. Filters can either go on the bottom of the tank or hang on the side and they pump the water through a carbon and cotton filter to remove waste. We always had a couple of algae eaters in the tank as well to help with keeping it clean. I have used both types of filters and I think that the ones that hang on the side of the tank work the best but you have to keep on top of them to make sure they don't get plugged up.
Air pumps basically do two things. One is power undergravel filters. The motion of the bubbles traveling up the tubes draws water down into the grid and creates a biological filter. The other is to power an air stone. Air stones break the surface tension, allowing for the air/gas exchange to take place. Filters clean the water biologically, mechanically, and chemically. Bacteria will grow in your filter and keep the ammonia and nitrite low. As the filter operates, it breaks the surface tension of the water, allowing for the air/gas exchange. Because an air pump by itself does not grow bacteria, a filter/water pump is much more important. Most tank kits do not come with an air pump unless an undergravel kit is included.
An air pump is used to drive air through a tube and into the tank passing through a diffuser. It can be used to drive an undergravel filter, sponge filter, or corner filter. Or it can be use simply to drive air through an airstone or other decoration. A water pump, otherwise known as a powerhead is used to drive water in the tank. Typically they are used to power an undergravel filter or sometimes a sponge filter. But they can also be used simply to circulate water in the tank. Whether a filter comes with an airpump depends on the type of filter. No external filter (power filter) will come with an airpump. But an under gravel filter or corner filter MAY come with an air pump, or it may not. Most do not. Depending on the type of filter you have an air pump or a water pump will be required. One or the other will be needed for an undergravel filter, corner filter or sponge filter. But they won't be needed if you are using a canister or power filter.