i want to no the dis advantage of plastic water bottle in detail
Plastic waste comprises 60% to 80% of marine debris litter accumulated in ocean shores According to a 2001 report of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), roughly 1.5 million tons of plastic are expended in the bottling of 89 billion liters of water each year. Besides the sheer number of plastic bottles produced each year, the energy required to manufacture and transport these bottles to market severely drains limited fossil fuels. Bottled water companies, due to their unregulated use of valuable resources and their production of billions of plastic bottles have presented a significant strain on the environment. the production of plastics release chemicals such as ethylene oxide, benzene, and exylene into the air and water supply, which can cause cancer, birth defects, and damage to the nervous system, blood, kidneys, and immune system producing the bottles required to meet the demand for bottled water in the United States alone uses over 17 million barrels of oil yearly, which is enough to fuel over one million cars in a year The Pacific Institute estimates that for every one-litre bottle of water, three litres were used to produce the bottle
Plastics can leach harmful chemicals into your water, especially if the bottle is heated up by being in the sun or something.
They need to be manufactured with high heat, washing them releases chemicals into water, they're heavy and require a lot of extra fuel to ship. They take up lots of extra room in extra warehouses where they have to be handled really carefully because they're so fragile... oh, sorry. That's glass again.
Plastic water bottles are recycled in civilised countries. They are shipped to China where they are shredded, and ground into plastic pellets. The pellets are then washed and sent to a machine which heats and spins the plastic into polymer yarns. This yarn is then used in textile factories to produce clothing for sale around the world. Marks Spencers the large UK chain stores sell entire ranges of clothes which are manufactured this way. The process is detailed in store and even on some of the trouser tags.
The main disadvantage of plastic bottles is the shear amount of time they take to decompose--the average plastic bottle takes 500 years. Plastic's decomposition can be affected by various factors, such as the type of plastic, the climate and acids in the landfill; plastic still lasts a long time, filling landfills for an indefinite period.