Its a 95Golf GTI and the alarm wont stop how do i disconnect theanti theft alarm
there is no real easy way to disconnect this alarm because if you disconnect the alarm module the car wont start. here is a tip though. open your trunk using the key and then leave the trunk open and then start your car.once the car is started then you can close the trunk. most likely all that is wrong is the drivers door alarm switch in the latch is not working because your drivers door harness wires are broken. you can check these wires by pulling the rubber boot back in the door jam and check the wiresto see if they are broken, if they are i would reccomend having the door harness replaced.
Firstly disconnect the battery and then reconnect. Then, take it in to a Volkswagen dealershipend of story. Don't trust people with your car, they'll do more damage than good, take it to the dealer, it will either be free or a nominal fee. good luck