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discuss safety procedures pertainig to electrical equipment?

discuss safety procedures pertainig to electrical equipment?


Crusher. Cruncher. Chaos.
If I were you, i'd get your friend to pitch in and get some better quality equipment. A 20$ grooming kit and cheap saddle kit won't get you far. But, if you aren't serious about riding, get the cheap stuff, i guess. Thats the basic stuff, i would get some polos, shampoo, first aid kit, and more.
Being a parent of grown sons I feel qualified to answer this question. Sometimes parents appear to be dream crushers when that is not their intent at all. Foremost in a father's mind in this type of situation is that the child become responsible enough to take care of him/herself in real life without needing help from parents. So that is on the parents mind instead of a dream that doesn't seem very responsible. Many times parents really do crush dreams without realizing it. Whoever is doing the crushing needs to be politely told that their comments and attitude are crushing a dream that is very important to you. Both the adults and teens/adolescents need to treat each other with honor.
The Cuntwagon. (I'm so sorry.)

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