AlZ13, A 27is a stable isotope.AlZ13, A29 is expected to decay by:-a) alpha emission b) Beta emissionC) positron emissionD) Proton emissionPlexplain.I thnk its B)
This Site Might Help YouRE: Being metals, why doesn't a magnet attract neither mercury, lead nor aluminum foil? I tried all three of them
Al 29/13 - beta Silicon-29 the excess in mass was from a nexcess of neutrons when a neutron splits it resuls in beta radiation leaves behind a proton in its place your answers for such question can be checked out at ie.lbl /education/isotopes.htm then using the link to aluminum gets you to ie.lbl /education/parent/Al_isAl-29 has a 1/2 life of 6.56 minutes decays by Beta
For a pocket stew the dull side is on the outside to absorb the heat and the shiny side is on the inside to keep reflecting the heat into the stewFor a kite flying at night that might be reported as a UFO I would recommend shiny side at the front.
That is because aluminum and mercury are non-ferrous metalsnon ferrous metals don't attract magnets.
These metals (and almost all other metals) are not magnetic because none of their electrons are available to participate in magnetic domainsFe, Ni, and Co are the naturally magnetic elementsScientists have discovered special alloys that are highly magnetic like SmCo and NdFeBResearch paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials.