ok so i am in dire need of a tray about the size that lasagna would be cooked init has to be aluminum foil and have handlesthe handles are the tricky part.i cant find one anywhere.answers would be greatly appreciated.i need to replace one that got ruined.i had no idea it would be this hard to find
Most party stores, like Party City carry these, or check Oriental Trading's websiteThey will be MUCH cheaper than a kitchen or restuarant supply place.
drizzle it with olive oil and just a touch of tabasco.
It can be grilled, or roasted as long as you keep turning.
If the corn still has the husk, just peel it back to remove the silk and wash the cornPut the husk back around the corn, its ok to leave it wetPlace in the oven and roast.
no alfoiltry steaming or boiling it instead.