I am buying 1/2 engineering flooring and I am going to put it down as a floating floor on a crawl space. My question is do I have to put down any moisture barrier or foam underneath?
If the crawl space has a vapor barrier either on the ground or to the bottom of the joists, which is should, then just a standard foam type under layment is all thats needed. If no vapor barrier is on the under side of the joists you should put it on to protect the joists from moisture. Putting any vapor barrier on the flooring inside will protect the engineered floor but not protect the joists. You need the foam type under layment to allow the flooring to expend and contract normally. If you were to nail or staple the wood down then you would need felt or a rosin paper to help keep the wood quiet from wood to wood contact. Any questions you can email me through my avatar. GL
Since it is above a crawl space you will want to use a some underlayment.
they should be able to ship wherever you're at....