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Do pickup trucks charge the same rate as cars?

Do pickup trucks charge the same rate as cars?


The pickup truck belongs to, although in the amount of fees and small household car prices, but the charge is not the same way, in accordance with the pickup charge ton kilometers.
The pickup truck belongs to, although in the amount of fees and small household car prices, but the charge is not the same way, in accordance with the pickup charge ton kilometers.Free vehicles during the holidays do not include pickup trucks.
And holidays free vehicles do not include pickup trucks.High-speed toll:Small cars 2 tons (including 2 tons) of the following trucks, 20 passenger cars below 0.45 yuan / kmMedium vehicles, more than 2 tons to 7 tons (including 7 tons) trucks, more than 21 to 50 buses, 0.90 yuan / kmLarge vehicles over 7 tons to 20 tons (including 20 tons) trucks, more than 51 passenger cars, sleeper bus 1.462 yuan / kmOversize car 20 tons of above freight car, container car 2.138 yuan / kilometer

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