I am currently taking Zinc supplements which decreases your copper absorption, at the same time I drink filtered water ( I was told water filters eliminate the copper within the water). Could the combination of Zinc and filtered water decrease my copper intake to a dangerous level?
i don't think so. most people drink filtered/bottled water anyway so i wouldn't worry about it.
You're not supplying enough info. What kind of filter? What are you using as a criteria for changing the filter out? Activated carbon will remove copper (which is just a trace amount in most water supplies). When the carbon is saturated, it is worthless as a filter and must be renewed. Paper filters do not remove copper; water softeners are not great at removing copper, but will remove some. When in doubt, test. A copper test is pretty cheap to do, and will fill in the blanks for you. Test when the filter is new, then again when it is several weeks old. Do not neglect the copper content in the rest of your diet. The daily amount of copper that you require is real small. If you were relying on the copper content of your water to fill all of your copper needs, you may have problems with your water supply.