Do you have a lightweight concrete wall?
Lightweight brick its dry capacity is only 500-700Kg / m * 3, and "aerated concrete block" of the dry capacity of 400-650kg / m3, to meet the requirements. So the aerated concrete block wall count light partition wall.
Lightweight brick partitions are non-load-bearing walls that are formed by the use of lightweight bricks or lightweight blocks through concrete masonry masonry for building partitions. Because of its light weight, high strength, and water and impermeability, sound insulation, thermal insulation, green, construction speed, over the years by the national wall reform policy and the broad support of the market has become a new building materials An important part of.
Lightweight brick its dry capacity is only 500-700Kg / m * 3, and "aerated concrete block" of the dry capacity of 400-650kg / m3, to meet the requirements. So the aerated concrete block wall count light partition wall.