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Do you need a pressurized air supply in the front room and the front room and the staircase?

Do you need a pressurized air supply in the front room and the front room and the staircase?


Now a lot of works only underground floor stairwell and the front room can not be natural smoke, so have to do pressure air supply? Feel good waste ah, how to calculate the air flow? Feeling with the standard formula down with the high pressure is the same as the high pressure, will not too much pressure? Seek advice
2, in addition to the first case, if the smoke staircase and its front room, combined with the front room are outside the window and meet the smoke area, then do not have to set up a mechanical pressure air supply system; if smoke staircase and before The room can not be natural smoke, then only the smoke staircase pressure air supply, the former room without air; if the front room of natural smoke, smoke staircase can not, then only smoke on the staircase ; If the smoke staircase natural smoke, the front room can not, then the front chamber pressurized air, smoke staircase do not have pressure to send air.
This should be treated separately. 1, if the building is more than 50 meters of public buildings or more than 100 meters of residential buildings, smoke staircase and its front room, combined with the former room, whether natural exhaust, should be set up mechanical pressure air system;

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