I want to put a blow off valve in my car to make it sound cool lol but i dont have a turbo yet ... do i even need one?
look on youtube theres a way but its a very getto way lol. there youtube user name is mightycarmods
yes, you need one if you don't have a wastegate
Without a turbocharger there is nothing to blow off. Like asking if you need a lamp to use a light bulb.
Buy a compressed air tank that you can fill at a gas station like you would air up a tire. Mount this tank in your trunk and route air hose from the trunk through the passenger compartment and into the engine compartment. Add a simple valve in your center console or wherever you prefer to turn the air on or off. Drill a hole though your hood and affix the air hose to it. With the air tank filled up, just open the valve and WHOOSH, instant blow off valve sound. You could even fill the hose with confetti for a colorful display. If you wanted to get real fancy you could rig up an electric air compressor under your hood for a continuous air supply. Thats the only way you cant get the release of compressed air to make a blow off valve sound without a turbo. Oh, and while you buying all the supplies for this don't forget to get some fake spinner bling-bling hub caps!! Then you will have the ultimate pimped out ride!
A blow off valve is completely pointless without a turbocharger. Without a turbocharger, there is vacuum, not pressure in the air intake. There is no pressure to blow off therefore the valve will never operate. You would never get the sound that you are looking for. So the device would be completely pointless. It would not even look cool. When someone would see it, they would think. What idiot would put a turbocharger blow off valve on an engine without a turbocharger. So it would look stupid, not cool.