I want to lay some tile on a portion of the garage where we are putting in a small kitchen for garage use. If the floor is new would you have to lay cement board down on top of new cement before tiling?
No, there is no need . You have a very good base w/ the cement.. One caution is though.. You should wait a mini mun of the days for enough moisture to go out of the cement. This varies w/ humidity and heat, but 30 days is an average GL
no, no, no. no sense in laying concrete over concrete. be sure that your tile breaks correctly over the expansion joints or it will result in surface cracks down the road. if everything doesn't break good you can use an anti-fracture membrane, which can be applied with a roller or a brush. that way it prevents the tile from spiderwebbing in the future. and it doesn't matter if the tile breaks over the expansion joints. Good Luck...
Just lay it directly to the cement. Since it's new use flexible bond thin-set to prevent the tile from cracking.
You don't need cement board but you do need an isolation membrane. I use several coats of redguard so if the concrete cracks those cracks won't be transferred to the tiles. Also make sure the concrete is at least a month old before laying tile.
You don't EVER have to lay cement board over concrete. Just check it with a straightedge and fill in any low spots before you lay the tile. Good luck.