Weve been down this road before but lets be real. Straight guys who have random sex are considered stud muffins, that translates into ho or slut in the gay community, especially if he's a bottom. I'm not generalizing from my own experience, but from the opinions of some gay men. Wouldn't it be to the advantage of gay men to cultivate monogamy when they finally meet that great guy? Most straight guys eventually settle into a monogamous relationship, but that's due in part to the culture of finding the right woman (good) woman. Gay men need to evolve past having random sex in order to allieviate the need to be accepted and get past petty insecurities to find that special man in their lives. It would be far more rewarding than throwing out the mattress with too many wet spots.
Some time ago i was a hairstylist and i found a product that was the best for strengthening damaged hair. RedKen PPT-S77 can be used as a conditioner that must be left on the hair for 20 minutes to allow total absorption. For the colour problem you may wish to try recolouring with something close to your natural colour but make sure it is an ash' base. You could add the PPT to the colour during the mixing and cover both problems at once. good luck
It's a key part of their religion. It's called Field Service, and it is required. Some people put in an average of 10 hours per week, and there are titles like Pioneer where you're expected to put in well over 50 hours per weekas in do it every day. Of course technically nothing is a requirement as you can leave the Jehovahs Witnesses any time you want to. That is called being inactive. If you commit a sin, like refuse to EVER knock on doors, you could get disfellowshipped, which means you are exiled.
Yes as Merlin says, wrap the goods securely. Write the address of the recipient clearly on the outside of the package and take it to the post office where they will weigh it and charge you the appropriate postage