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Do you use a filter bag when you cook bone porridge

Do you use a filter bag when you cook bone porridge


4, bone in the pressure cooker on fire after the soup boil off once every 10 minutes after a small fire boil half an or rice cooker cook three hours (recommend rice cooker), makes the essence to come out, let stand for half an hour after use wash the filter bag of slag filter out (stock left, do not need to add salt). Pour the filtered stock into the hot rice (pour cold water into the rice) and let it sit for half a clock. 6, throw the other ingredients down and start cooking Remember to add the ingredients
Yes, but it's not the same. I'll tell you what I do (but it's a long time). 1, wash the bones and blanch the blood water with boiling water Prepare, ginger, spring Onions, etc Wash rice, rinse with cold water, and set aside for use
Not good, because the filter bag breaks down after high heat, forming bad health. What's more, the market's filtering bags are not fully qualified.

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