Can anybody tell me the name for those huge cylinder things that are rounded at the top and are usually right next to a barnBest Awnser- goes to whoever could tell me the name and what they are used for...
its called a silo its used for storage typically grain
its a silo, used for storing things in usually pretty big, very prone to flame if dust has collected in it after periods of not bein used
Grain silos. They store the grain for those who have cattle to feed through the winter and keep it dry.
Silo. Used for storing grain.
You mean a silo? That they put green ensilage such as grass, soy or corn into? they originally were holes in the ground, like a root cellar, kept covered up to protect from frost, then they began using the wood above ground silos about 1890 (which allowed them to feed cows well enough to produce nearly as much milk in winter as summer), and invented machines to load and unload them after years of doing it the hard way. Then they developed concrete (only rich people had stone ones) silos, then the blue Harvestore type, and eventually they have gone to the long white bags and now full circle back to bunkers in the ground. There are also grain silos, usually galvanized corrugated metal construction, more often associated with grain production or poultry feeding.