The cookie I am looking for is sold at a local bakery and she calls them brownie cookiesThey are deliciousMy friend and I renamed them Slap-yo-Mama cookies because they are so good you would slap you mama to get another lol
Who says all ghosts would comply? They move things for attention, usually warning signs lest they make it clear they are benign.
i agree that it would be useful but according to popular lore gousts only remain on the earth if they have some sort of regret and if they complied they probably shouldn't be angry
You only see these things happening in these certain haunted locationsMost construction sites aren't haunted, and I dunno what we'd have to do to get them that wayProbably something awful that isn't worth it.
Spirits work in strange ways and unlike us on earth they have the power to work when they wantis very rare for a spirit to communicate with earth beings by physical power- its usually a bad spirit who has anger that will physically move thingsWould you really want new buildings etc to start off with a bad spirit in it? I think not!