I have tried to get on facebook through proxie sites, ut the have bocked all the sight at my school. I really need some answers here. please help me.Signed,Helpless
In all honesty, both can be detrimental to a vehicles tires or alignment. It really depends on how fast one is going over a speed bump or a pot hole. In most cases I would say a pot hole is often times worse for a vehicle.
I have the same problem that you do. Where i board my mare they only have a outdoor arena, a round arena and three large pastures. And during the winter it is hard to find good ways to ride. So during the winter my horse gets ridden maybe once a week, and every other day she gets brushed and stuff like that. And i also work on tricks like bowing, or my new project is parelli. I got two of his dvds so i've been doing alot of that with my horse and its helped alot. I dont know what your arenas like. Are's is mostly sand and dirt. So i'll either bareback in the arena or round pen. And ya, i've ridden bareback in the arena when theres been snow up to my horses belly. ( it was alot of fun, and all we did was walking and slow troting. ) I wouldn't stop riding if theres snow. If its icy or hard snow then yes. Try some horsemanship stuff in your horses pen or in the field. There are millions of things you can do, just use you imagintion! Hope This Helps :) RidesWithTheWind