Does anyone know how to clean the tip of a hot glue gun so I can see the silver again?
microwave and pressure cooker noCamp or flat Cast iron Dutch oven Definately.
I've cooked a cake in a microwave ovenTurned out yummy, just doesn't brown like a conventional oven.
I have never heard of cooking bread, cookies, or cake in a pressure cooker, but you definitely can in the microwaveYour microwave's manual might even have recipesIf not, try this website for tips and recipesPlease note, I have never used this siteI just found it using Google.
Heat the glue gunUse a piece of crumpled aluminum foil to scrub the tip while its hot and the glue is well meltedWhat would we ever do without foil, used fabric softener sheets, baking soda, or vinegar? Happy crafting!
I think any other device like microwave and oven, or maybe you can try another one to use for.