I was thinking I could open it up and cut a wire or something, but having next to no experience with electronics, I just stared thoughtlessly at the wires. does anyone know what I have to do?
Well, I considered just the simple approach; Tell the truth, but thats no fun, right? Find the areas that are the electrodes (I assume it has metal conductors that you put your hand on?) these electrodes will have a wire connecting them unless the unit is soild state and then they will be mounted on a board of some kind. In the case of soild state there is a copper conductor plate (AKA buss bar) to both sides of the electrode(s) cut this with a sharp knife or screwdriver edge. No conductor no shock I assume this thing has batteries or a transformer you pluginto the 110VAC and a smaller cord that plugs into the machine? If so Im pretty sure Ive told the truth. Otherwise the next shock is on me. Hope this helps