My mother always claimed we shouldn't sit on the arm of a couch as it would potentially ruin the couch. I always viewed this as an urban myth. My brother recently bought a new couch and chided me for sitting on the arm. So, does sitting on the arm of a sofa cause any problems for the sofa?
Depend on what the fabric is made of and how durable the couch was made. the main thing that can happen is it pulls on the seam and tears the seam. if the arm is structurally made out of bad wood, it could snap or pull away from where its attached. Best thing to do is just not do it, no matter how good and Strong you think it is. y risk it?
For sure your dog may play ball occasionally or even most of the time, you may even have a dog that is obedient 99% of the time, however if you want a dog who always listens to you and does as you ask then you need to win your dogs mind. The second key to success is to motivate your dog. It is really important that you discover what it is that your dog enjoys both in terms of exercise and play but also in terms of a reward.
It will make the arm disengage from couch base and potentially rip the fabric if there is any. Listen to your mom she knows best.
YES YES YES YES YES YES I Think that says it all. The arm of the sofa is to help you push yourself up. Its not for you to push against Over time the bolts will loosen up and the arm will become weak then you tighten the bolts but as time goes by the wood takes the beating also and then you have a real problem with your couch. Even sitting on it does do harm it was not made for that reason. I have told my kids time and time again not to do this and every yr im fixing the couch. My friend works at Goodwill and he sees ALOT of couchs in perfect shape but the arms are broke or very lose. SO MYTH CONFIRMED Sitting on your sofa's arm will hurt it
Most definately. there isn't much cushion to the arms the wood is usually square under it so all that shifting of weight causes it to wear more quickly.